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#43 Kick the Tires

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:21 pm
by Trethowan
#43 Kick the Tires

Morning in Eolande…


“I procured a map of the area,” Foster said.

“I thought you said we were out of money,” Micah said. His stomach rumbled.


“Procure and purchase are not the same thing.”



“Desperate times, my friend.”

^ ^ ^ = mountains


“North-east of the gate… yes, there. That’s where we will wait.”

“Wait?” Micah seemed uncertain. “Without Chase how could we know what Gelfrey had in mind?”

“Gelfrey has been my butler since I came of age and he has never failed me. I don’t know his plan but I can be certain it has to do with some sort of magical trickery because only a dragon can open this gate. I’m sure Chase was simply the means to get us through the village and past the guards undetected. We just have to get there via the racetrack and we’ll be set.”


“I hate folding these blasted things!”


“Let me help,” Micah said.

“No, I can do it.”

“You’re going to tear it up!”


“There! It’s perfect.”

“Honestly, how do royals like you and Ivan live with yourselves?”

“We thrive on denial and copious amounts of praise,” Foster said with a flick of his hand. “Come. I saw a poster of the fairgrounds and raceway just outside the tavern.”


“Yes, here’s the spot. Just before we reach the third leg of the race we’ll slow down and veer off course,” Foster said. “We’ll just have to be careful not to slow down too soon or we’ll draw suspicion. We’re not the only ones who’ve tried to enter the Jade Forest uninvited.”

“Why is the forest so closely guarded?”

“There’s only one thing dragons hate more than fairies, and that’s uninvited guests. We’ll be lucky to make it to the Gate without being eaten.”

“You only thought to mention this NOW?”


“You sure you can’t stay and watch me win, Sis?”

Ina said, “Sorry, but I’m on a terribly important mission. One day I’ll explain everything but for now it’s best if you don’t know the details.”



“Would you please let me fold this thing?”


Foster said, “You are a man of many talents. I simply must have you in my cabinet.”

“Hey losers!” Kip shouted. “Ready for me to stomp your dragons into the dust today?”


“Hey look, it’s Kip Lightyear, biggest blabber mouth in all of Eolande.” Micah feigned a yawn. “I like your little autograph posters. Shame nobody’s lining up.”

“LIGHTNING!!!” Kip snarled. “I don’t see any posters with your name on ‘em.”


“Micah? Prince Foster?” Ina let out the tiniest of gasps.

To Be Continued…

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Re: #43 Kick the Tires

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:07 am
by zirconmermaid
Do I see a little helmet on someone? And I love Foster's answer to Micah!!

Re: #43 Kick the Tires

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:17 am
by Lamia of the Dark
:lol: folding maps.

Re: #43 Kick the Tires

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:46 pm
by Eseme
I love the map and the posters. Great sets! I am starting to love tinies!


Re: #43 Kick the Tires

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:47 pm
by ShortNCuddlyAm
Love the maps :) (And Foster's attempt to fold theirs)

I use multiple virtual desktops on my Mac and one of them has this as the wallpaper, which kinda seemed appropriate to mention here, as it is how I'm imaging the race... :


Re: #43 Kick the Tires

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:59 am
by Trethowan
Thanks everyone! I don't have any tiny helmets, you probably saw one of the fangirls wearing caps in the distance. It does look a bit like a helmet doesn't it. ha!

Folding maps is the bane of any traveler. LOL

I LOVE THE SNAIL RACE!!! It's so cute! It's how I see it too, though I'm not sure how on earth I'd ever photograph it. I should just use your background with a disclaimer. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: #43 Kick the Tires

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:52 pm
by Greyhaunt
Hmmm, can't wait to see the look on Kip's face when Micah and his sister share a big wet one hehehehehe

Re: #43 Kick the Tires

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:14 pm
by Iwa_Hoshi
Love the little map and posters.