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Nyampo's bjd and fashion dolls mishmash

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Nyampo's bjd and fashion dolls mishmash

Postby JisatsuKusuri » Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:46 am

Note: is still missing Nana's profile I couldn't post her picture because I got a too many urls error
Both Nana and Kiyoharu's profiles will get posted soon. Still need a body for my floating head

Lucy in the sky with diamonds by nyampogenius, on Flickr

Type: Prupate (Angelic Pretty 2nd line)
Name: Lucy "Lulu*"
Age: 24
Sign: scorpio
Favorite artists: Olivia Lufkin,Kara (japanese metal band) Shiina Ringo,FLiP,Lazygunbrisky,Tr:dan,MOLICE
Favorite genres: alternative,punk,rock and metal
Favorite flower: spider lily (wrote tiger lily without realizing oops)
Favorite food: spicy mexican food
Hobbies: traveling,making collages with fashion magazine pics
occupation: does a lot of temp jobs,street musician
favorite place to hang: indie clubs,abandond parking lots
love and relationships: bisexual
has a crush on the vocalist from the band the average maveric next door
Facts: she likes to change her hairstyle often
has two tattoos (one spider lily on her arm and two angel wings and a crown on her back)
has a hairgrowing problem so she has to wear wigs.
doesn't like to sleep with a wig
hates: groupies,long train rides,capsule hotels (she's claustrophobic and she thinks
the idea of such hotels is simply idiotic because it looks like a pet store )
porcelain dolls,pretty boys

Fashion points: wild hairstyle,oddly shaped purses,striped socks
star eye jewels,punk,gothic,rock

Personality -sorry for the typos: independent,doesn't mind being in charge of things,not the type of person to nag or complain about the small stuff in life,down to earth,friendly,not very girly but she does have a feminine side,doesn't know how to react to compliments,straightfoward

pirate girl by nyampogenius, on Flickr
Type: Dal Maretti (Angelic Pretty 1st line)
Full name: Yumiko 'Ririka' Yoshida
Age: guess? it'll surprise you
Gender: female of course.
Race: witch
Horoscope: Aries (like moi)
Birthday: April 8th (like moi)
Bloodtype: A- (like moi)
Twin brother: Takanori
Hobbies: videogames,collecting pinky st and other figurines,customizing figurines and dolls.
Likes: pirates,cosplay,karaoke,dialects,going on adventure.
Dislikes: sports for snobs,dating games,yaoi,being made fun of because of her height. Her wig (she's begging me to change it because
it makes her look like that demon Momo-read the manga it's very good)
Favorite food: tropical fruit,anpan,takoyaki,salty snacks

Despite her cute appearance she can be very uncute as she often "fights" wit Lucy for no apparant reason.
She uses her magic on inpulse which sometimes results in huge mess.
Being the strongest witch makes her think she
doesn't need to be rescued from time to time.
Her biggest weakness is that she often forgets stuff
might be because she's distracted
all the time. Oh and yeah she likes to tease people xD

another look by nyampogenius, on Flickr
Type: Luts Kid Delf Ttori
Full name: Takanori Yoshida
Age: I'll leave that up your imagination
Birthday: april 8th
Bloodtype: A
Family: mother,father,older brother mick
Hobby and interests: working on the pc,reading,translating,listening to music,drawing
Favourite TV shows/anime: Galaxy Angel,
Favourite books: Hardboiled wonderland and the end of the world,Wind-up Bird Chronicle
Favourite manga: Uzumaki,Loveless,Cardcaptor Sakura
Also watches: the news,random talkshows
Favourite animals: frogs and fish
Favourite color: dark blue,sky blue,light green
Favourite food: veggie pizza,ramen with cheese and onions,apple pie,cake
Least favourite food: pig meat,natto
Favourite bands/artists: changes a lot.
Right now he really likes You love her coz she's dead,white white sisters,Polysics
Clothing style: mix between punk,lolita and fairy-kei
Is good at: drawing,coming up with stories
Odd things: likes to make up random lyrics while washing the dishes
Hates: bikes,picking up the phone,cars,people in general
Character: likes being alone,easily stressed,enthusiastic,paranoia,stubborn,determined,thinks too much,depressed easily,likes to learn new things,neurotic,a cleanfreak,has a very energetic personality when he's happy,gets hyper when he's in a good mood,confused,forgets stuff all the time

Yeah such a non stereoype character. I bet you thought he'd be cute and shy :p
Well people think that about me. I have such a baby face :p
Last edited by JisatsuKusuri on Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Nyampo's bjd and fashion dolls mishmash

Postby Evelien » Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:48 am

Takanori looks really sweet and I love Lucy, what a cute wig she has <3
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Re: Nyampo's bjd and fashion dolls mishmash

Postby JisatsuKusuri » Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:04 am

Thanks. I got her wig from Monstro Designs.

Re: Nyampo's bjd and fashion dolls mishmash

Postby AlmySidaKay » Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:58 am

Looks great, if you want to post more photos, you could always take out the part that says "by on flickr" and those links, then you can post more photos per post. :D
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Re: Nyampo's bjd and fashion dolls mishmash

Postby JisatsuKusuri » Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:26 am

Ah yeah Thanks for telling. I always forget I could remove it haha

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