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Not Really a "Collection," But...

Ok, so stuffed animals aren't exactly dolls - most of us have them and some of us make them so why not?

Not Really a "Collection," But...

Postby KC12344325 » Tue May 08, 2012 4:40 pm

Hello dollie/stuffy collectors! I don't really "collect" stuffed animals per se, however I do have hundreds of them as I am/was a spoiled child. ;P I have:
200+ Beanie babies (I had a little less that 200 when I was like seven, and they've increased in numbers a bit since then :lol:)
~50 Webkinz (I looove them! I don't play anymore though o.o)
4-5 Shining Stars
~30-50 miscellaneous stuffed animals
I'm new to collecting dolls, and I'm well acquainted with values of LDDs, BJDs, and to some degree porcelain/bisque dolls, however I know nearly nothing about collecting stuffed animals. It's not a hobby I intend to take part of as I clearly have enough babies already, but, stupid as I may sound, do people collect old/vintage stuffed animals? Do some collectors' teddy-bear companies (if there are such things) sell limited edition animals/exclusives? Do their prices inflate as much as vintage Barbies or 18th century porcelain dolls? The only "collectors'" bears I know about are Teddy Scares, and even those I know of very little; all in all I'm just curious. :)
Most of my dolls are scary, but don't worry! They wont bite.
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Re: Not Really a "Collection," But...

Postby Linteia » Tue May 08, 2012 7:14 pm

The simple answer is YES! Especially teddy bears, their are collectors of vintage/specific brands, and there are companies that make limited edition teddies. I know one company makes hand crafted LE bears and has for a couple centuries, so they're super collectible and valuable (I love antique shows XD). I don't know about stuffed animals in general as collectibles, but I wouldn't be surprised. Most of the stuffed animal collections I've seen are either by brand or just a person who really likes X and so they collect them. I have a massive stuffy collection from my childhood and it grows whenever I see one that I like, but there's no rhyme or reason to it.
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Re: Not Really a "Collection," But...

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:56 pm

I have a bunch of stuffed SHARKS! >_<
I have so many dolls that I can't fit all their names in my signature anymore. @__@
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