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Question: How to shrink pattern for 1/6 size

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Question: How to shrink pattern for 1/6 size

Postby djhirokun » Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:41 am

I was kind of on the fence about asking but still, I'm gonna ask. Does anyone a method in shrinking an adult pattern to fit 1/6 size? I went to a yard sale and found an awesome kimono pattern and want it for one of my Tonner girls. Is there an actual method to to shrinking the pattern or is it just all about eyeballing it to size? Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Question: How to shrink pattern for 1/6 size

Postby richila » Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:01 am

If there are pattern directions with it, there are usual smaller scale pictures of all the pattern pieces. I work from those with a copier until I get the size I need. It goes alot faster if you already have a sloper for the doll so that you know what size the pattern pieces are for it.

Here is a link to a Barbie size kimono; I hope it helps.
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