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Resizing Patterns

Fabric, patterns and insider knowledge. This is the place if you're too poor to pay someone else for your dollieh dresses.

Resizing Patterns

Postby Chrystal » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:55 pm

Found this on the net somewhere... Thanks to the lady who gave it.

Sizing Patterns to Fit your Particular Doll
I am asked all the time if a particular pattern will fit a certain doll. Once you know how to resize a pattern, you can make ANY pattern fit your doll! I have used this formula for resizing many patterns with beautiful results. No need to limit your doll fashions by only buying patterns that are made in her particular size only - by using this formula, the styles are limitless.
Some dolls are the same height, but not the same proportions, therefore I use bust/chest measurement, then adjust the length accordingly.
First take all of the measurements of your doll and keep on file.
The patterns have two lines, the solid one, which is the cutting line, and the dashed line, which is the sewing line. Always measure from inside of the sewing lines.
Measure the bust area on each of the bodice pieces (hips if you are doing pants). Add the amounts up. Now divide the measurement of your doll, by the total measurement of the pattern pieces. The answer is the percentage you are looking for. I always add another 5% for ease.
For example: Doll bust measurement is 8" divided by pattern total measurement 6" = 1.33 or 133% plus 5% ease = 138%. So when you copy or scan your pattern pieces you should enlarge them by 138% for the correct size.
If the measurement is 8" and you need 6", it would equal .75 or 75%, plus 5% = 80%.
If you need to lengthen or shorten the bodice or skirt etc, then do the same type of calculation and lengthen or shorten the patterns by the percentage.
I snort dolliehs liek candi
Posts: 498
Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:47 pm

Re: Resizing Patterns

Postby dhawktx » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:30 am

This works, after a sort - but is really hit or miss. Instead, I highly recommend Dale Rae's instructions. More complicated, but a much better result...and you can use ANY people pattern where you have the pattern instruction sheet!:

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Re: Resizing Patterns

Postby Chrystal » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:44 pm

Thanks. I've bookmarked it and will read it later. Just got off work - nightshift.
I snort dolliehs liek candi
Posts: 498
Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:47 pm

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