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Here's a horror story for you.

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Here's a horror story for you.

Postby embyquinn » Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:44 am

On Monday, at 4 p.m., for absolutely no clear reason, they closed down the center where I was working and sent us all home to work remotely. This after assuring us that this would not happen. Since we work in the medical field as a support service, we're supposed to be considered essential. it wasn't until yesterday morning that I found out why they were in such a hurry to send us home.

One of our vendors, someone who came in to fill the drink and or snack machines on either Wednesday or Thursday, started feeling sick Friday evening. On Monday morning he got tested, and he tested positive for covid-19. So course he had to tell his place of work the vending company, and they notified all the places he visited in the last couple of days, including our facility. So all of us in the center were potentially exposed to covid-19.

Ponder this for a moment. They knew on Monday afternoon that we had all been exposed. They did not bother telling us until Wednesday morning. That means for at least a day and a half, we were not self quarantining. That means that I potentially exposed everyone in my house, including Barbara, who is less than 2 months out of having open heart surgery. I am beyond furious. If anyone in my house so much as gets the hiccups, I swear to Zeus I'm suing the pants off of Trubridge.
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Re: Here's a horror story for you.

Postby Kattriella » Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:29 am

Seriously, not tell you for those almost TWO DAYS means that each and every person who came into contact with anything this man touched could have potentially exposed everyone they came into contact with, and then those people exposed everyone they came into contact with, and so on . . . This is how this crap spreads, because no one is relayng important information.
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Re: Here's a horror story for you.

Postby Kirahfaye » Fri Apr 10, 2020 7:22 am

I usually don't espouse going the legal route (particularly when work is involved), but I really think you should consider talking to a lawyer about this. This is unconscionable behavior on the part of any business, but certainly a medical one.

Praying that both you and Barbara are safe and healthy!
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Re: Here's a horror story for you.

Postby maywong » Fri Apr 10, 2020 10:23 am

That is just awful.
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Re: Here's a horror story for you.

Postby victoriavictrix » Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:17 am

I think you are well within your rights to AT LEAST demand and get tests for you and everyone in your household.

And I second talking to a lawyer.
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Re: Here's a horror story for you.

Postby Trethowan » Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:35 pm

Back around Thanksgiving and extending into Christmas my sister's whole family was sick and my brother in law had a terrible case of pneumonia that he just couldn't kick. One of his coworkers had returned home sick from a business trip in Wuhan and it spread all around their Atlanta office. Yes, freaking Wuhan, China. We saw them a few days after Christmas after their fevers had subsided and none of us got terribly ill. There were a few days of sore throat and really mild fever but that was all.

Mid-February we all went down to Atlanta again, this time for my son's 6th birthday and we all got really sick after that visit. But we went to one of those big three-story indoor playparks so getting sick at a place like that is almost guaranteed, isn't it? The kids had a fever for a week, tested negative for strep and flu, one ended up with pink eye for a few days. After they were well and back in school one of them brought home a stomach bug and they puked for 24 hours each. Half my kid's class was out with flu for most of January and February. After everyone was well I ended up with all three at once (oh joy) needing an eye drop for flaming pink eyes and a z-pack for the painfully sore throat and cough that had no end and my husband had a light case of pneumonia but didn't take any meds for it. My parents never got any of it, as usual, cause they're apparently impervious to everything.

Crazy, huh? So did we have coronavirus and just not know it? Someone top me off with a lime.
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Re: Here's a horror story for you.

Postby DollyKim » Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:50 am

You could always anonymously tip off a local news. Or your local Larry H Layer jr.
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