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Ishida Nanjiro.

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Ishida Nanjiro.

Postby kiki-chan78 » Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:58 am


Name: Ishida Nanjiro
Nickname: Nan-kun, Nan-chan.
Mold: Abio Angel Ling
Gender: Male
Skin type: Normal
Face-Up: Custom, me.
Orientation: Straight as a pretzel.


Born and raised in Kyoto, Nanjiro was pretty much a disappointment for his father... and his father wasted no time in letting his son know how unhappy he was with him; with fists being seen as more eloquent for informing his son of this displeasure. Nanjiro was taught martial arts from a young age, his favorite weapons being Kamas. Another thing Nanjiro learned from a very young age was that coming second place meant he was the first loser... and being a 'loser' would enrage his father.

On the other hand, Nanjiro's little sister, Aiko-chan, was the darling of their father's eye. Aiko-chan could do no wrong.

With the onset of puberty, Nanjiro started to develop another problem. He started picking up on the emotions of others. This new empathic abilities began making it harder and harder for him to get enough sleep at night, which in turn affected his scholastic achievements. It was an ugly cycle.

When he was seventeen, Nanjiro figured that there was no way that he could fail at life any further; and promptly hung himself. He might've been smart, but by this point, he wasn't thinking clearly in any way shape or form (as evidenced by the notion that suicide was a good idea). Unfortunately, Aiko-chan wandered out into the garden while he was going into his death-spasms. Without realizing what he was doing, Nanjiro fried his little sister's mind with his empathy. She was left alive, but there was nothing of her mental processes had been spared.

Much to his dismay, he came back to 'life' as a psychopomp. He's now physically stuck at the age he died at. Part of him isn't too happy about being stuck with randy teenage hormones for the rest of his existence. The rest of him realizes that this is a small penance to pay for being able to look after his little sister and pay her hospital bills for the past couple of decades.

He's become pretty good friends with Seiki and Erik. More so with Erik, since the red-head will actively block him from reaching out mentally... and he can finally pretend that for once, he might be normal.
Last edited by kiki-chan78 on Sat Nov 06, 2010 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ishida Nanjiro.

Postby x0xPeachyx0x » Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:44 am

Such a sad storey! but he really is a cutie<3333
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Re: Ishida Nanjiro.

Postby Moonstruckwitch » Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:01 pm

He is a cutie indeed! Those eyes he has are gorgeous :)

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