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Midori's Dolleh Famileh: A Brief Introduction (Expanded!)

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Midori's Dolleh Famileh: A Brief Introduction (Expanded!)

Postby MidoriKurogami » Wed May 19, 2010 4:52 pm


Well, since I didn't work today, I've had a little time on my hands and I took the opportunity to plan things out and get some photos! ^^ I don't have photos of all my dolls yet, so I'll be updating this as I get them.

So, here we go!

Kurogami Akinori (AKA 'Aki')
Age: TBD (more than likely 8-15 months)



Aki-kun is the one who started this entire beautiful disaster for me. :D He was made in the 1950's and wasn't taken care of very well. I saw him on ebay and thought he bore a striking resemblance to one of my game character's children (and an eerie one to my fiance) so I had to have him! ^^ He needs a ton of restorative work done; cleaned, new costume, preservation of old costume, fixing cracks (three in his head, one on his body) fixing artwork..on and on and on. But I think he'll be more than worth all to work in the end. <3

Licca & Co.


Clockwise from left: Japanese Kabuki doll made in 1985, Japanese dancing lady doll of unknown age (new made; she's some sort of plastic) Licca-chan (sitting in hand).

To be fair, the Kabuki doll actually belongs to my fiance. his mother brought it back from Japan in 85' as a gift to his father, who upon his passing, passed it onto him. Two reasons he lives on my desk: I'm more familiar with care and restoration of these guys and my desk had this BIG empty space that nowhere else did; he's pretty huge.


Dancing lady I haven't named yet and really am not entirely sure what I'm going to do with her, but she was another ebay score.


Licca-chan I will be renaming (suggestions?) I saw her and I had to have her; she's sooo adorable! There's a J-pop song she reminds me of (and an AMV) but I don't know the title. T_T



Age: 17


Chise is the main character in Saikano. She was my first action figure and she was hard as hell to find (and that was three years ago!). I took this photo to prove to a friend that I had the elusive Chise in NRFB condition and a still-shrinkwrapped copy of the DVD box set. In the background (counter-clockwise from right) are: Kabuki doll, one of my Amy Brown faeries and one of my Buddahs.



Jin is my full-of-awesome-and-win action figure with the Otaku 2 body type. I just took him out for the first time yesterday, then spent the rest of the night making him an obi and making his clothes fit more correctly, including trying to tie his hakama correctly, which is no easy task on such a tiny body!


He came with a daisho (long and short sword set) that I was really surprised to find out were carbon steel. The katana had a kozuka and kougai (small knives in the scabbard) that also have carbon steel blades. They tarnished while I was messing with them, so I had to clean and oil them just like I do for my own swords, which was wild. I'll have to have my fiance make wooden scabbards for them, because plastic breaks down over time when exposed to choji oil, I'm not sure why.

Shame on me; you can see my fingerprints on these tiny blades as they sit lined up with some of my antique sword parts for comparison. :/

Jin cleaning his wakizashi after I had my grubby paws all over it. I get grumpy when people put their paws all over my swords, too. XD I just couldn't believe I had to drag out my actual choji sword oil and care for these little guys like I do my big swords!

Licca-chan (Renamed Chise)


While this Licca-chan and my other arrived the same day, I still consider this one my first one, because I found her first. She's the one I'm going to be wanting clothing made for. I renamed her Chise because of her resemblance to my Saikano action figure and because that's how I'd like to dress her.


She's so adorable! :mrgreen:

Name: Kaguya
Type: Domuya Faye D-1 Flexi 60 cm
Age: Appears to be 18-21; true age unknown


Everybody know by now that Kaguya is my first big kid, I bought her from Zircon and Kiki-Chan did her face-up and blushing. And if you didn't you should! :lol: She just arrived Saturday and the whole house adores her!

Fun with inverted colors! ^^

Just about every lady loves roses, amIrite? She looks like part of a bouquet here!

More to come! ^_^
Last edited by MidoriKurogami on Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Re: Midori's Dolleh Famileh: A Brief Introduction

Postby Jade_Hunter » Wed May 19, 2010 9:34 pm

I like Kurogami Akinori, he reminds me of the doll my mom got from her great aunt...

Re: Midori's Dolleh Famileh: A Brief Introduction

Postby MidoriKurogami » Sun May 23, 2010 2:56 am

Really? Is s/he in better shape? I'd love to see some photos! It could help me with restoration ideas! n.n

Re: Midori's Dolleh Famileh: A Brief Introduction (Expanded!

Postby MidoriKurogami » Mon May 24, 2010 4:35 am

Hehe, hope you guys checkout the newly updated thread. :)

Re: Midori's Dolleh Famileh: A Brief Introduction (Expanded!

Postby maywong » Mon May 24, 2010 8:43 am

I love Jin. Are you going to get Mugen too?
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Re: Midori's Dolleh Famileh: A Brief Introduction (Expanded!

Postby MidoriKurogami » Mon May 24, 2010 1:01 pm

I'd been mulling it over. After taking Jin out and actually seeing how articulate he is, I think I just may have to get Mugen. It's a shame they didn't make Fuu; I'd love to complete the set. If I do get Mugen though, it'll be a little down the road. I spotted a couple other things I want too. X3

Re: Midori's Dolleh Famileh: A Brief Introduction (Expanded!

Postby MidoriKurogami » Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:35 pm

Updated: Kaguya added! ^^

Re: Midori's Dolleh Famileh: A Brief Introduction (Expanded!

Postby x0xPeachyx0x » Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:25 pm

I really love that first dollie, he is really adorable!! <333 And The Dancing lady is just lovely! Ooh, I Looove Licca's too @__@<3
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Re: Midori's Dolleh Famileh: A Brief Introduction (Expanded!

Postby MidoriKurogami » Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:58 pm

XD Thanks Peachy! ^^ You have an enviable dolleh famileh yourself! ^^

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