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Where The Wind Comes Sweeping Down The Plain

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Where The Wind Comes Sweeping Down The Plain

Postby victoriavictrix » Tue Mar 30, 2010 4:59 pm

Of the dolls that have stories attached, there are two sets. The Secret World dolls and the Elven Court. They are joined, oddly enough, by a single character: Victoria Victrix:


Young Vickie. A hotshot mage and star pupil of the St Rhiannon's School for Gifted Students in upper New York State,Vickie was one of the rare pupils invited to cross-train Underhill, in Elfhame Silverhold, ruled over by Robin Goodfellow.

Name: Victoria Victrix Nagy
Type of Doll: Obitsu 50 cm body, DZ Yi head (discontinued)
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Human
Age: (at this point in her life) 17
Sex: Female
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blond
Marital Status: Single
Relations: Father Alex, Mother Moira
Likes: Magic, Scones and Devon Double Cream, good romance novels, classical and celtic music
Dislikes: prejudice, ignorance, people who think magic is "easy"
Favorite Color: Brown, gold and cream
Special Talents: Techno-shaman

Secret Worlds Vickie:


This is a sadder but wiser Vickie, victim of a great deal of (as yet untold except in the Twitter feed) trauma, who suffers from panic attacks and an entire lexicon of emotional problems. Yet in her element, at the helm of the Echo/CCCP "Overwatch" program that she herself devised, she is one hotshot techno mage, possibly the best in the world, and certainly one of the only ones to integrate computers and magic.

Name: Victoria Victrix Nagy
Type of Doll: BBB 50 cm Luna body (modified), DZ Mo head
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Human
Age: (at this point in her life) 26
Sex: Female
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blond
Marital Status: Single
Relations: Father Alex, Mother Moira
Likes: being left alone, classical and celtic music, the days when she doesn't have a panic attack, her familiar, Greymalkin
Dislikes: having to leave her apartment, having to face people, confrontation
Favorite Color: Black
Special Talents: Techno-shaman
Last edited by victoriavictrix on Tue Mar 30, 2010 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where The Wind Comes Sweeping Down The Plain

Postby victoriavictrix » Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:07 pm

Secret World Chronicles:

The Seraphym, Belladonna Blue, Red Saviour


The Seraphym appeared in the midst of the Thulian Invasion, along with many of her siblings...but she is the only one that stayed. Walking a delicate line between interference and Free Will, she is trying to steer the fate of the world away from absolute catastrophe.

Name: The Seraphym, aka Sera
Type of Doll: DZ Linlan
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Seraphim
Age: Born shortly after the Big Bang
Sex: Female
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Red
Marital Status: Single
Relations: The Angelic Host
Likes: Irrelevant, she serves the Infinite
Dislikes: Irrelevant, she serves the Infinite
Favorite Color: Red
Special Talents: Wields the power of the Seraphic Flame

Belladonna Blue aka Bella Dawn Parker: once nothing more than a metahuman medic with the healing touch, Bella's powers have been increasing ever since the Invasion. And The Seraphym has taken an acute interest in her. She's known for bucking the rules--especially the one that says "Healers Don't Hit."

Name: Belladonna Blue aka Bella Dawn Parker
Type of Doll: BBB Ophelia
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blue
Marital Status: Single
Relations: Father Jack, Mother Elizabeth, Grandfather Jack Sr, Grandmother Susan
Likes: Music, books, movies and TV with good writing, a really good creme brulee
Dislikes: prejudice, ignorance, people who give up, the Thulians
Favorite Color: Blue
Special Talents: Psionic Healer and Empath, touch-Telepath

Red Saviour is the leader of the CCCP (Coallition of Communist Crusaders for the Proletariat), the metahuman organization that is currently in disrepute in Russia for their devotion to pure Communist ideology, Saviour's heavy handed tactics when dealing with criminals, and their role in the Defense of Moscow during the Thulian Invasion. As a result they have been "loaned" to Echo in Atlanta, and the question is, will this be a match made in heaven or hell?

Name: Red Saviour aka Natalya Shostakovich
Type of Doll: DZ Yage
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Meta-Human
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Marital Status: Single
Relations: Father, Red Saviour Senior
Likes: Cigarettes, vodka, smashing
Dislikes: Fools, capitalistic exploitation of the masses, Fascists, Thulians
Favorite Color: Red, gold and black
Special Talents: Energy manipulation
Last edited by victoriavictrix on Tue Mar 30, 2010 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where The Wind Comes Sweeping Down The Plain

Postby victoriavictrix » Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:15 pm

The Secret World Chronicles:

Red Djinni:


Red was a super-criminal, one of a group that pulled off the trickiest, most daring heists--until the Invasion. Arrested in the cleanup, he was offered a choice: join Echo and help replace the decimated ranks of metahumans with recruits from the underworld, or find himself buried in a prison so deep they would have to pump sunshine to him. He chose the former. Sort of.

Name: The Red Djinni
Type of Doll: Unidoll Berkut head on AoD body
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Meta-Human
Age: Wouldn't you like to know?
Sex: Male
Eyes: Change
Hair: None
Marital Status: Single
Relations: Are you female? If so, would you like to have some?
Likes: Books, metal-thrash music
Dislikes: Magic, being confined or restricted
Special Talents: Dermal sense, extreme manipulation of his skin

John Murdock:


(He's about to be replaced when I get the faceup done on the new head)

John is a fugitive, on the run from a mysterious "Program" that turned him from an ordinary soldier to an enhanced one and inadvertently triggered his metahuman fire powers. The Invasion caused him to rethink his life...but rather than join Echo, he has elected to join CCCP. And he is the focus of great interest on the part of The Seraphym....

Name: John Murdoch
Type of Doll:Domuya Flexibody, Elfdoll K head (soon to be Minimee head)
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Meta-Human
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Eyes: Green-gray
Hair: Dark brown
Marital Status: Single
Relations: None
Likes: Beer, the philosophy of Anarchism, Beer, Dylan Thomas poetry, a good single malt whiskey, A good book, Beer
Dislikes: Anyone who restricts freedom, Thulians, The Program, Blacksnake
Favorite Color: Black
Special Talents: Physical enhancements and fire manipulation
Last edited by victoriavictrix on Tue Mar 30, 2010 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where The Wind Comes Sweeping Down The Plain

Postby victoriavictrix » Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:22 pm

The Elven Court:


Ruled over by Robin Goodfellow, this is the Court of Elfhame Silverhold Underhill

Moth, Violet, Robin, Lady Amethyst, Cobweb

Name: Moth
Type of Doll: BBB Ariel
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Elven
Age: Old
Sex: Female
Eyes: Green
Hair: White blond

Name: Violet
Type of Doll: BBB Nissa
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Elven
Age: Old
Sex: Female
Eyes: Purple
Hair: White blond

Name: Robin Goodfellow
Type of Doll: DZ Wing
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Elven
Age: Old
Sex: Male
Eyes: Green
Hair: White blond but subject to change

Name: Lady Amethyst
Type of Doll: DZ Orlando head, BBB Body
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Elven
Age: Old
Sex: Female
Eyes: Green
Hair: White blond

Name: Cobweb
Type of Doll: BBB Sprite
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Elven
Age: Old
Sex: Female
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blond



Name: Moth
Type of Doll: BBB Ju
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Elven
Age: Old
Sex: Female
Eyes: Green
Hair: White blond



Name: Celeste
Type of Doll: DZ BB
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Human
Age: 6
Sex: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White blond


Lady Amber, Amethyst's twin

Name: Lady Amber
Type of Doll: DZ Orlando
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Elven
Age: Old
Sex: Female
Eyes: Green
Hair: Subject to change without notice



Name: Branwyn
Type of Doll: BBB Mei head on DZ body
Physical Location: Oklahoma
Race: Elven
Age: Old
Sex: Female
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Lilac
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