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Solitary Agent's Resin Crew [[updated, yo.]]

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Solitary Agent's Resin Crew [[updated, yo.]]

Postby solitary agent » Tue May 31, 2011 9:43 am

Hi everyone! I'm new here and thought I'd start by introducing my gang. Some of them have very detailed stories since they represent my roleplaying characters (or in Robin's case, one of my friend's characters) while some are more vague.


Name: Robin Costa
Angel of Dream Xun 1/4 scale (normal yellow skin) || Default faceup
Age: 19
Birthday: November 12, 1857
Hair: Sandy blonde
Eyes: Green
Occupation: swordsman
Orientation: Paulsexual (He doesn't consider himself gay, he just happened to fall in love with his boyfriend Paul, who just happens to be male.)
Family: Mother deceased. Father unknown. Brother, Miguel, deceased. Lover Paul Fraser.
Prized Possession: His sword.
Likes: Swordplay, swimming, lazy afternoons.
Dislikes: Math.
Personality: Friendly and gregarious, though sometimes oddly relaxed - a head injury sustained when he was younger makes it impossible for him to feel worry or fear. He's very loyal and protective of those close to him.

Story: Robin grew up in Spain, raised by his single mother along with his younger brother, Miguel. His mother died when he was a teenager. At nineteen, he was contacted by a half-brother he'd never met. The half-brother promised to provide for Robin and Miguel if Robin would, in exchange, do him a favor. The favor turned out to be spying on and eventually kidnapping a young man from a criminal organization that had crossed him. But Robin ended up falling in love with the target, and things did not go as planned. The half-brother was holding Miguel as "insurance" to pressure Robin into doing as he asked, and since he failed to do so, Miguel was killed. Robin was heartbroken by the loss of his brother, and the boy he'd fallen for was angry and confused after being kidnapped and lied to. But when everything was explained, the two reconciled slowly before becoming closer than ever before. Robin now is part of the same criminal organization as his lover, and they're both quite content.


Name: Paul Alastair Fraser
Custom House Little Junior Mars (35cm) [normal skin] || Default faceup, freckles added & lips glossed by me
Age: 16
Birthday: August 11, 1870
Hair: Black
Eyes: Greyish blue
Occupation: doctor (yes, at 16 - he's the 19th century Doogie Howser. LOL.)
Orientation: gay
Family: Mother deceased, father's status unknown. Lover Robin Costa.
Prized Possession: His violin, his mother's music box.
Likes: Playing piano & violin, science, cuddles.
Dislikes: shouting and arguments.
Personality: Shy, but wants to be everyone's friend. Very studious, sometimes overly serious. Can be childish when upset.

Story: Paul's life started out happily enough, but around age six his father started to become abusive towards him and his mother. When he was twelve, his mother died and the abuse from his father became much worse. At fifteen, he ran away, living on the streets of Glasgow, Scotland and playing his violin for handouts. After a few weeks on the streets, he was approached by a recruiter for a criminal organization who had noticed his resourcefulness. Though apprehensive about joining, the offer of a place to live far away from his father was too good to resist. To his surprise, he found a real home among the thieves, assassins and other disreputable types. The physician for the group took him under his wing, becoming his mentor and eventually claiming him as a son. After meeting Robin (see above) his life was tumultuous for a time, but he's quite happy presently. He occasionally cross-dresses, though Robin's usually the only one that sees.


Name: Addison "Addy" Westley Parker
Doll in Mind Eileen (sexless body) vinyl [normal skin] || Default faceup modified by me (lips and cheeks re-blushed, gloss added to lips & eyes, freckles added)
Age: 13
Birthday: February 3, 1873
Hair: Reddish brown
Eyes: Green
Occupation: student, thief
Orientation: he's a kid!
Family: Father unknown. Mother's current status unknown.
Prized Possession: nothing, really.
Likes: apples, playing practical jokes.
Dislikes: school.
Personality: Playful, friendly and usually cheerful but can be a troublemaker.

Story: Addy was taken in by the same people Paul and Robin live with. The organization also serves as a school for training future criminals. Previously he was a street kid in London, stealing food for himself because his alcoholic mother didn't provide for him.


Name: Renton Abernathy
Dollzone Raphael 1/4 scale (Normal-Yellow skin) || Faceup by Distractus on DoA
Age: appears 22 in human years, but is actually immortal.
Birthday: N/A
Hair: Black
Eyes: Silver
Occupation: wizard
Orientation: bisexual
Family: none
Prized Possession: unknown
Likes: Fire. And alcohol. And hugs!
Dislikes: Goblins and beholders. D:
Personality: Friendly and affectionate. Stubborn and determined.

Story: Renton awoke on a deserted shore at the human age of sixteen at the beginning of his current lifetime. He found a home with an astrologer and his teenage son, and began to attend wizarding academy. He graduated at the top of his class, but soon found himself joining a party of adventurers to defeat the sinister forces threatening a nearby town. (He's my Dungeons & Dragons character, if you haven't figured that out! :D )


Name: Justin Randall MacDowell
Doll in Mind Arno (normal skin) on a Domuya D-1 Flexi body (white, dyed) || Faceup by Serenia/Cup of Tea Esthetics on DoA
Age: 26
Birthday: July 5, 1850
Hair: long and red
Eyes: Green
Occupation: secretary
Orientation: reluctantly accepting his homosexuality after a long period of little interest in anyone, male or female.
Family: Lost his father at 16 and his mother at 18. No other close relations.
Prized Possession: Was his piano, which was taken away to pay some of his father's debts. He doesn't really have any now.
Likes: Music, reading, arithmetic (sometimes he actually sits down and works out some long division to RELAX...weirdo.)
Dislikes: His apartment and neighbourhood. He grew up in a much nicer one.
Personality: A little shy at first, but quite friendly and talkative once drawn out. Carries some bitterness about his current station in life compared to his past, but tries not to show it since he doesn't want to come off as spoiled.


Justin was raised as an only child in a relatively high-class home in Glasgow, Scotland. His father worked with investments (that's what he called it, anyway) and the family had a lot of luxuries. But when Justin was a teenager, it was gradually found out that much of the family's wealth was a sham - the flat was heavily mortgaged and much of the furniture was obtained on credit. Things started to be repossessed. Justin's father was a gambler. Eventually, someone who he owed a lot of money to argued with and then killed him. Justin and his mother had to move to a small flat in a lower-class neighbourhood and start working. Justin's mother never got over the shock of losing her husband, and the hard work took a toll on her. When Justin was 18, she died. Justin kept working, first as a busboy, then a waiter, then headwaiter, and finally he got a position as a secretary to the warden of a Glasgow prison. He was able to move into a slightly nicer place, but it's still nothing like what he used to have.

One of his jobs at the prison involves offering to sell the belongings of prisoners, either turning the money over to their families or putting it in an account they can access once released. Justin keeps all the books and takes care of every transaction, so it's easy for him to sneak away some cash for himself, bit by bit...he's not a bad kid, just a bit misguided and desperate.

Andrew's off for his faceup now - better photo forthcoming!

Name: Andrew Neil Fairfax
Loongsoul Ivan (Pink Skin)
Age: 33
Birthday: August 4, 1843
Hair: dark ashy brown
Eyes: blue
Occupation: warden
Orientation: Bisexual. He's dated and slept with women, but Justin is the first man he's started a relationship with.
Family: Parents, two older sisters, younger brother. They don't live nearby, though, and he doesn't see them often.
Prized Possession: Well, lately, he'd probably say Justin...he does act like he owns him, anyway.
Likes: Smoking his pipe, reading the newspaper, torturing *cough* I mean, providing guidance to his young employee.
Dislikes: Not being in charge, being told he can't have something.
Personality: Charming and charismatic, with a sadistic streak. However, he also has a warm, caring and gentle side - too bad it usually shows up after he's put some poor victim through hell.


Unlike Justin, Andrew was raised in a poor family and enjoyed few luxuries, in fact few possessions of any kind, growing up. He made his own way up in society and enjoys no longer being told he can't have the things he wants. Recently he decided he wanted Justin...but he was afraid to make any moves, fearing the boy would be scared away. When he noticed Justin exhibiting a shifty manner while leaving work, he began some investigation into the transactions the young man had been making on behalf of the prison and found out what he'd been doing (see Justin's bio.) He jumped at the chance to "discipline" his young subordinate and find out what his true desires are...

Justin and Andrew are the main characters in a small yaoi novel I'm writing. As if you couldn't tell yaoi was involved...heh.
Last edited by solitary agent on Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:33 pm, edited 6 times in total.
The Boys: Robin Costa-AoD Xun // Paul Fraser-Custom House Little Junior Mars
Aidan Sheridan-Pluto Vergil // Addison Parker-DiM Eileen // Renton Abernathy-DZ Raphael
Justin MacDowell-DiM Arno // Andrew Fairfax-LoongSoul Ivan // Souichi Tatsumi-Volks SD17 Williams
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solitary agent
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Re: Solitary Agent's Resin Crew

Postby Evelien » Tue May 31, 2011 10:06 am

What a nice family you have. I love Paul, he has such a sweet face!
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Re: Solitary Agent's Resin Crew

Postby Trethowan » Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:42 pm

heehee.... Paul is the cutest thing in the universe. He's so cuddly!
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Re: Solitary Agent's Resin Crew

Postby solitary agent » Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:28 am

Hehee...I might be biased, but I'd have to agree. I love all my boys, but Paul is definitely my precioussss.
The Boys: Robin Costa-AoD Xun // Paul Fraser-Custom House Little Junior Mars
Aidan Sheridan-Pluto Vergil // Addison Parker-DiM Eileen // Renton Abernathy-DZ Raphael
Justin MacDowell-DiM Arno // Andrew Fairfax-LoongSoul Ivan // Souichi Tatsumi-Volks SD17 Williams
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Re: Solitary Agent's Resin Crew

Postby solitary agent » Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:32 pm

Pictures updated, skintone and faceup info added, and two new bios added!

And soon...there will be more. I still have to put Souichi's bio up, and I have two MSDs on the way...there went that "No more dolls for a few months" resolution. <_<;
The Boys: Robin Costa-AoD Xun // Paul Fraser-Custom House Little Junior Mars
Aidan Sheridan-Pluto Vergil // Addison Parker-DiM Eileen // Renton Abernathy-DZ Raphael
Justin MacDowell-DiM Arno // Andrew Fairfax-LoongSoul Ivan // Souichi Tatsumi-Volks SD17 Williams
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solitary agent
dolliehs are watching me O.O;
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