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Chinese counterfeiter is trademarking bjd's

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Re: Chinese counterfeiter is trademarking bjd's

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Wed May 02, 2018 4:50 pm

Stormlight wrote:
ShortNCuddlyAm wrote:From comments I've seen on a doll FB group, even pro-recasters are turning against him now.

Pfft. That's probably only because the pro-recasters realize that if this asswipe succeeds in his venture, he could end up driving a good many companies completely out of business, thus ending the supply of LEGITIMATE sculpts for recasters to buy and copy and sell to them. It'll affect even them in the end, as well. I'm sure if the recasters wouldn't be at all affected, the people who buy them wouldn't give a rats ass about it. :roll:

Very true, but I live in hope that some of them will stop buying recasts altogether after this. I don't expect any of them to really admit to their part in enabling him to do it, though.
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