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MiroDoll Controversy

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Re: MiroDoll Controversy

Postby Vetinari » Mon Jun 04, 2018 2:49 am

Hah! Glad to see I'm not the only one who's completely nonplussed by this. Can't judge for certain one way or another but I feel like some of the accusations are unlikely, there's similarities sure... but given that no one who actually had both the DT F18 body and Mirodoll 70cm body physically together at a meet spotted anything... I'm dubious.

I'm another one who's fallen victim to DOA's spurious and delayed response to their suspicions, since I'd purchased the 70cm body in question due to the company's reputation on DOA... :roll: Given that the doll was purchased when Miro was a-okay just eesh, suffice it to say I'm annoyed with DOAs sudden harsh stance on this.

Still, the DT F18 body is on my eventual (likely very eventual) to-buy list (for a floating head), so when I actually get around to that plan I may directly compare both bodies, to satisfy my ow curiosity if nothing else! Although I suspect with the 'altered' recast accusations they've thrown around, even that sort of compare and contrast wouldn't be proof enough one way or the other!
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Re: MiroDoll Controversy

Postby Kirahfaye » Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:24 am

One big concern that I can see is that DOA is so big and has so much "power" that the forum could literally make or break a doll company's reputation when it's just a group of know-it-all individuals making the decisions. DOA might not realize it, but they have put people's jobs on the line with their verdict against Mirodoll.
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Re: MiroDoll Controversy

Postby Dark Angel » Mon Jun 04, 2018 1:49 pm

Kirahfaye wrote:One big concern that I can see is that DOA is so big and has so much "power" that the forum could literally make or break a doll company's reputation when it's just a group of know-it-all individuals making the decisions. DOA might not realize it, but they have put people's jobs on the line with their verdict against Mirodoll.

I thought about that too. Now Miro is scrambling to make sure that they don't lose favor in their customers' eyes. They have a 50% off sale right now. (until the 6th) I can't recall them having a half off sale before (but maybe they did). It just seems like a bit of a desperate plea to keep their customers happy. *shrug* This is all speculation though.
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Re: MiroDoll Controversy

Postby quidam » Mon Jun 04, 2018 4:13 pm

I don't have a strong opinion one way or another about whether what they did was wrong or if they were aware of it if it was wrong. I looked at the pictures and thought: eh...maybe?

But, I don't think they will go under because of it. They've been around long enough to establish their name. They are pulling the bodies that are in question. They've issued an apology. They might see an immediate downturn in sales, but I doubt it will be permanent. They definitely have a following in the hobby and it probably won't go away due to a possible false move.

I think we can look at Dollzone's start to see that even purposeful , absolutely certain copying can be forgiven within the community if the company mends their ways and gets on the right track. Sure, there are still those who distrust them, but they are definitely accepted in the community as a whole.

Does DOA hold too much power in these things? Sometimes. It can be annoying when you have people who shun a company or sculpt just because DOA doesn't accept them on the board. There's also the idea among some that their judgements are always correct. But, in general, I think they have done good for the hobby. A move like this one with Miro can cause a company to straighten up if they are doing wrong. Once again, I'm not saying Miro did do wrong, but if they did they will probably think twice before doing it again.
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Re: MiroDoll Controversy

Postby TasiaChiba » Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:16 am

So... apparently I'm super late to the ban-bandwagon! O_O I have a crazy busy work week and... honestly, randomly stumbled on the posting of the ban thread, which is already locked, lol! Soooo..... long post ahead! EEEP!

I have quite a few takes on the whole situation and knew DS is always the best place. Seriously, I know I'm crazy quiet and a total lurker, but I love this community!

I had my reservations about the new 44cm female body. To me, it looked like a cobbled copy of IH and April Story and a number of other reputable places thrown in that already copy each other stylistically but not enough to irk anyone, and a touch of Miro's style thrown in. Personally, I have been pretty dubious about it but have been busy IRL... so it wasn't a constant thought for me. I totally get DoA banning the body. What I don't get is the way they've gone about it.... Their wording, for instance, sounds as though all of Miro is banned. You have to keep reading but you can barely focus past the initial knee-jerk reaction. Their entire initial response has felt like a personal attack against the company, rather than a professional "we have concerns, are taking steps to rectify concerns, stay tuned" etc. But, I stand by them for the 44cm body 100%. I have and always will be very anti-recast and art-theft and the similarities were just too spot on for my peace of mind.

It's the 70cm body that I ground to a halt on. Prior to about 7 months ago I didn't even know there had been a controversy. Don't know what rock I was hiding under, but apparently it was a massive one... O_O; Back in the summer I purchased a dark choco 70cm Iris with an extra large bust piece so I could figure out what chest size I wanted her to be. The small one feels a bit too small, but the large one is torpedo central! Missiles are ready to launch, folks! But back to the point, one of the people in my dolly group knew I was expecting her so had asked me to bring her to the next doll meet after her arrival.

So I did. And that's when I first found out there had even been a discussion. Funny you should mention it @vetinari! First thing she asked was if we could do a comparison because of how similar they had been said to be. All news to me, but I'm game for anything so..... low and behold, I have an actual photo of Miro's 70cm body AND the DT18G body side by side... with the Resinsoul big girl body as well~ Had I known the depth of the controversy and this future situation, I promise I would have taken hundreds and posted them all. (Picture will be posted at the bottom, I assure you!!)

We had them side by side in all their nekkid glory for everyone to see and our consensus came to this: They were similar, had similar traits, but were night and day. The DT owner mentioned that the only way they could be copies is if someone sanded it down... way down... remove it to a skeletal state, then start adding globs of clay on to flesh out parts in weird locations that didn't make sense. I promise, that's a pretty good assessment of the in-person scrutinization!

Flash forward to today, a mere few hours ago when I stumbled on the thread and saw it was banned. Today was the first time I saw the side-by-side photos of the DT and Miro bodies and my brain went... OHHHHHhhhhhh.... I see what they did there!

My formal assessment, as formal as it's gonna get: The 70cm Mirodoll body is a derivative of the DT18G body with influences thrown in.

We know that Miro sculpts in 3d programs so what I see from the photos and from my in-person opportunity to literally have both bodies in hand, I believe they used the photos as points of references and filled in the rest. Just from my from-the-front photo you can see most of the similarities: Shape of the elbow, curve of the knee cut line, curve of the bust cut line, not identical but similar raised areas for throat and hip bone juts, and general silhouette.

And that's where the similarities end. I feel like Miro mapped these in their 3d program and went from there as a purely derivative work. General shape areas are often not as professionally sculpted. It's not like it was sanded down. In person there are dips that are higher on the Miro body and lower on the DT or not in the same places at all. Limbs are longer and stretched out, Miro is taller than the DT and more stretched out, and what is more evident in my photo than the two posted for comparison elsewhere, is the torso itself. The DT body has a beautiful, graceful but deep back bend that pushes her front body upwards and out. This is completely missing from the Miro. Like, night and day missing. It's most noticeably in the photo where they lay on the carpet... you can see how high the DT's back comes up off the floor. Even to measurements don't add up. And the legs, which seem to be one of the bigger "copies" are shaped to emphasize the curvature but... in person the DT body is less pronounced and the Miro body is more bendy-cartoonish. Unfortunately that's something I didn't think to get good pics of. Leg wise, the Resinsoul body is closer to the DT body.

So yes, derivative with highly visible transformativeness (courtesy of wiki w/recs to delve further into copyright law). Heck, there are far more legally accepted derivative art forms out in the world that are 100% accepted and they contain literal identical parts and pieces from the work they copy.

For example, the way I feel about it is that Leeke didn't get slammed nearly as much for their DoD Puns copy because they were a large and established company, and it was far far more similar than the Miro-DT situation. Heck, half the French artists are inspiring each other with certain traits that are indicative to the region, not to mention many other companies across the world are taking cues from the French BJD market. More and more companies are branching out and producing works inspired by an idea that another company thought of first. Or even, as much as I love Switch, they come across very Volks-y to me! The Popovy Sister's with their ethereal elongated forms are inspiring other artists to do the exact same. Or how finally having curvy dolls has started a slowly needed trend to have more curvy and beefier dolls out in the world.

Heck, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, anyone? The author admits to going to Gutenberg Library, copying the entire text into a word processing program and going paragraph by paragraph re-wording a few words here and there and nothing more until he adds in the zombie elements, then going back to the original text until z0rmbedz timez.

But it seems to have become an accepted trait to accept companies producing work that mirrors another... as long as your work you are producing comes across as top-notch, high level professional. If your work isn't realistic enough, it must be theft. It's a double-standard that should be addressed. The concept of (and law backing) derivative works is such (in my really bad paraphrasing and restating.. oh hey, derivative!) that as long as enough of the work has been changed to produce it's own creation as a stand alone, and can be recognized as such, then it is not a "copy" or theft. But something has to change. And not just a small amount.

That's what we're seeing here between the Miro 70 and DT18G - large changes to the point of almost unrecognizable. Or wait, 3rd cousin 10 times removed~

I speak on all these as a lover of BJD, a lover of art, an owner, a sculptor, and artist myself. There's so much legit theft taking place, but it took them four years to decide about this one sculpt knowing the impact they have on the entire community world wide leaves me feeling a bitter taste in my mouth.

/end rant

hrmm.... a lot longer than I expected it to be.... like... a WHOLE lot longer... O_O Don't be surprised if I throw this up on my dolly blog, wow. =runs away=

Aaaaannnnd My One Lone Picture:
Comparison - Resin Soul, Mirodoll, Dollstown by TasiaChiba, on Flickr
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Re: MiroDoll Controversy

Postby Dark Angel » Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:03 am

Thank you for the photo!! You could send that to the mods at DoA, if you felt so inclined.

To me the Resinsoul one looks more similar to the DT body than the Miro does. :roll: like if Miro and DT had a baby, it would be the Resinsoul. (The joints scream DT)
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Re: MiroDoll Controversy

Postby Stormlight » Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:20 am

Interesting comparisons there, although I have to throw in that with all of Jane Austen’s works being public domain copyright-wise, and therefore up for grabs to anyone who wants to copy/spoof/write sequels to them and legally get away with it, it’s a little bit different. But I do see the point you’re making. :mrgreen:
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Re: MiroDoll Controversy

Postby TasiaChiba » Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:39 am

Dark Angel wrote:Thank you for the photo!! You could send that to the mods at DoA, if you felt so inclined.

To me the Resinsoul one looks more similar to the DT body than the Miro does. :roll: like if Miro and DT had a baby, it would be the Resinsoul. (The joints scream DT)

You're most welcome! I was seriously considering it, but wasn't sure if doing so would seem "inflammatory" towards them as they've already made their decision.

You are absolutely correct! And that was the in-person response, too~ If Miro is in trouble for copying the cut lines of the knee (because that's all that's there... the actual joint itself is a bit of a horror, lol) than someone has been copying someone for RS and DT's joints to be so almost identical in construction. It's a shame the RS's knees are partially covered by the socks, because you would see they look exactly the same otherwise.

In fact, I forgot until just now lol, that was a conversation we had! The DT18G's knees were supposed to be the reconstructed ones for better support and stability because of the buckling... yet they still buckled madly. The RS stood like a rock! Made me want one and I actually have plans to purchase one for a Bella Auden head I have in the future. We actually joked about how Resinsoul got it right~

Interesting comparisons there, although I have to throw in that with all of Jane Austen’s works being public domain copyright-wise, and therefore up for grabs to anyone who wants to copy/spoof/write sequels to them and legally get away with it, it’s a little bit different. But I do see the point you’re making. :mrgreen:

Haha, you are correct! It is totally public domain. I mostly threw that one in because still today it gets me how he spoke about it. In fact, he never thought of it as direct spoofing or comedy, just maybe dry comedy that you might get, lol, but super serious... O_O That and he left whole sections untouched just because, lolol~ More like, cringe-worthy and sigh-worthy and move on 'cause. I read the book when it came out before all the rage, haha! =shakes head=

(Edit: I liked the concept and am okay with it, I just thought his writing (or lack thereof?) left a lot to be desired. ^_~ But in and of itself, outside of public domain status, it's a "mashup" derivative work and still acceptable~)
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Re: MiroDoll Controversy

Postby Dark Angel » Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:18 pm

Hmm... I think it would still be nice to show them the photo. Just so that they can see the two bodies right next to each other and not with their little side-by-side comparison photos from different companies and photographers. :roll:

But if you don't want (possibly) the ban hammer dropping on you, I get it. As much as I disagree with some of the crap that goes on over there, there are still very good aspects to DoA. I would hate to be banned. (Although sometimes I think it would be better for my wallet!!)
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Re: MiroDoll Controversy

Postby victoriavictrix » Tue Jun 05, 2018 10:11 pm

Hell I know one of the DoA mods. I can send her the photo if you want and not mention your name at all.
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